This site will not longer be updated from 2012
Howick petanque club advertised on the localist Website
for more info go to Howick's Petanque Players link
1st January 2012
Our membership: 52 Members (22 Male-30 female) of which 6 are Life members.
(46 with internet).

Contact: Warren Barrett 42 Millington Place Huntington Park Manukau 2013. Ph 09 273 3106 e mail
We are now officially named as: Cockle Bay Petanque Club Incorporated.
Our club is located at Shelly Beach Parade, Cockle Bay, East Auckland (between Scout Hall and Windross Restaurant at Cockle Bay Beach). We play all year round for a subscription fee of only $15.00 which includes $10.- PNZ affiliation fee and $1.- A.P.A. levy. We pay $1.00 on clubdays.
We have a pay as you play policy and many of our members pay 52x$2.00=$104.00+$15.00 per year making this club perhaps one of the more expensive clubs, but because we pay when we play it is easier on the purse.
The majority of our members (40) are 60+ with a small number (11) of younger competitive players which makes it a good mix of play.
Clubdays are Wednesdays & Sundays afternoon or early evening (during warmer months):
Wintertime 1.30pm. prompt until approx. 4.30pm. From Sunday March 13th 2011
Summertime 5.00pm. prompt until approx. 8.00pm. From Sunday November 14th 2010
For pétanque enthusiasts from out of Town and coming from the South, take the Manukau turn off. Coming from the North take the Eastern Highway. See our location on this Google map:
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