

Page history last edited by usabilitynz@... 2 years, 1 month ago


What's New -- Trading Post -- Intro -- Suggestions -- Useful Links -- JC


Welcome to our "New Zealand Petanque Wiki" (NZPW)

Wouldn't it be great if all clubs could have a number of web pages which anyone can edit and update without the need for specialist tools or knowledge. All that is required is a web browser and a desire to participate.


Enter Wiki. It is great to have this Independent NZ Petanque Wiki (NZPW) site for the entire Petanque community in NZ. Each club can be represented with an initial six pages for them to populate (you can add any number of pages yourself after that). This NZPW will also be a place for recording (documenting) the goings-on within Petanque in New Zealand '(see also item 03/07 on this page). This will enable us to effectively and collaboratively create a historical overview (a giant digital repository). For example, if you have an idea for our game, don't let it evaporate - put it down on our Wiki Discussion pages.


Rather than explaining what a Wiki is I want to refer you to a Wiki site so you can read about it yourself: The Wonderful World of Wikis. The Wiki format is a worldwide runaway success and the most outstanding example is Wikipedia. You can read about Wikipedia here



Wikipedia wouldn't work if people weren't good. But people are good, and fundamentally many more people want to help chip in or fix something than want to destroy it. Opening up processes for multiple editors is a win for everyone.


Everyone will be given the password to this Wiki. This is your/our place. Make sure you pass this password on to others. Email Tom for the password at usabilitynz@gmail.com The more people participate the better. If you belong to "Senior Net" you may want to work on this project at your SN club or meeting rooms. It's FUN!!


If you have a clubroom and would like to put up a promotional leaflet about our Wiki, you can download a one page PDF here. Make sure you write our password on it before you put it up at your club.



Remember, internet usage is increasing all the time. Our Masterton club members (this is in a region with one of the lowest per capita average incomes) enjoy a 60% internet access rate! (2006)



Think before you make a contribution or comment. Our NZ Petanque Wiki is not a high-speed conversation board. It's not a news server either. What you say will stay here forever (yeah, we do take backups) for everyone to see and comment.


Will people mess things up?

Don't worry. No one will get mad, and you can't mess anything up. Each change is saved, and it's simple to "roll back" to an earlier page. If people don't like your changes, they'll just change them back. No blood, no foul.



This is definitely a work in progress. I've left a few notes laying around about how I'd like to flesh things out. If you see something you think you can do, go ahead and do it. But don't just stick to my ideas. If you don't see something here, and you think it's important, add it. If you see something you don't like, change it (after first reading Making changes to content). If you see something good, but it could be better, edit it. Just remember to sign your work so we know who to thank.


What is the difference between this Wiki thing and a Blog?



    I have actively blogged since 2001 and was recently involved in a test of Wikis. I have started to appreciate the difference between the two formats. The blog is like an online newspaper, its serial and you may expect to be able to only scan the headlines each day. Of course you can use a blog like an archive, since all blog software has a search. I don’t do this on our MPC blog, because the readers of blogs in general don't seem to grasp the wealth of information a blog contains (they somehow do not see, or want to use the archive).
    In contrast, a Wiki does not look serial. If organised reasonably it looks like a reference work. So it looks like an archive and users figure this out right away. It does suffer from a critical mass problem, if there is not enough there, users just wont think of it when they need it. To create a critical mass, you need lots of contributors. Now that our NZ Petanque Wiki is up and running, and with enough enthusiasts (volunteers) to provide content it will work and become a success. I am optimistic about the use of Wikis in the workplace and recreational settings, and look forward to working with them.


Ethical Principles


NZPW Ethical Principles: Act in the Best Interest of Everyone. Be Honest with Everyone. Do No Harm and If Possible Provide Benefits. Act with Integrity. Avoid Conflicts of Interest. Respect Privacy, Confidentiality, and Anonymity.



For some of you this is new and a little freaky, but give it a chance. It's fun! It requires trust, commitment, and a willingness to share in order to make it work, which means it's a great training ground for the skills that make us an effective Petanque community! Enjoy!

Cheers, Tom van Bodegraven.


Some Wiki help


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