

Page history last edited by Tom van Bodegraven 14 years, 10 months ago
What's New -- Trading Post -- Intro -- Suggestions -- Useful Links -- JC

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Orphaned pages

Orphaned pages are in this case, general pages with a link to them from only one or two isolated spots such as the What's New page. Providing the links here will make it easier to locate these "homeless" pages.


Bryan Wells receives 2010 inaugural Petanque Blog Sheriff award

PNZ Candidates 2009

HB 2009 Doubles Results

Australian club take their federation to court

PNZ Remits 2008

A 'Coup de Coeur' in South West France ! by Cam Calder

Chinka Steel in Melbourne Age newspaper


PNZ goes wrong again with their Blog page

letter from WPA to PNZ - May, 2008

April 2008 AGM and Council Meeting Minutes 28 comments

How to design a Logo - Unclassified ...

Photos from 2008 Trans Tasman

Australian petanque players banned from wearing high heels

Easy and difficult terrains

Major coup scored for petanque club

2007 Down Syndrome fundraiser at the Cockle Bay

New Zealand wins Oceania for the first time ever 2005

A Thought From Andy Gilbert

Meeting the team in Pattaya

CEO Bryan Wells participates in attack on our Blog

Spammer in our midst

An email from Dirk Winnie

A large scale attack on our Blog

A letter from Joanne Evans

More absurd spin from PNZ

Yeah right Contributions X16

Racial Taunt on National Radio

New Zealand vs Australia - St Kilda by Shirley Hayes

Open Letter from Liz Rocks: To the Team

Replies to CEO June 2007 Newsletter

Fourth player synopsis by Liz Rocks

Morning lights in Melbourne (six photos)

Anonymous reply from PNZ ?

My Concerned Is With The P.N.Z Author unknown.

WPA Regional Triples and things 2007

Goodbye and thanks to a Webmaster

New Zealand Open 2007 Results and report

Bryan Wells: Statement to the PNZ Council

Bryan Wells Allegations - a reply

New MPC Blog Name

Summer Interclub (Wellington region) not working

Mother of Jacques Cochonnet gives Tartelette Méridionale recipe.

Trying to make our game better

The Dawn Gardner incident

We are the PNZ (the harder they come,...) Viewed over 900 times!

Wellington Petanque Representative Teams Selection

Summer Interclub (Wellington region)

Khandallah playing games with Jacques Cochonnet Petanque Cup

WPA refuses to answer questions.

Not defending our Oceania title

APA and WPA Meetings

Organisation SWOT Analysis

Liz Rocks answers some of your questions

Email from Trevor Neilson

Email from Fay Doyle

Michael Emerson's selection proposal

Selection proposal Author unknown.

Selection document confusion cleared up

Stonewalling by PNZ and WPA

Just food for thought

Letter of complaint to PNZ

News from Grenoble?

PNZ received only 20 replies!

No news from PNZ

NZ Teams to Singapore

Masterton Petanque Club links removed by PNZ and WPA

Appalling reply to request for information from PNZ

PNZ Player Code of Behaviour...stout fellows


A damaging suggestion

Second New Zealand Singapore Petanque team (2006)

Some problems listed

Database that never was

Selection Proposal

Oceania Championships / Asian Championships (2006)

Waitangi Park Wellington city public piste (consists of 6 pages)

Eight photos of Trans Tasman 2006

IP address


Selection Process Feedback 2006

This is the first time PNZ has asked the wider membership for input. Previously, only members on the players selection list, or on a development squad received feedback forms.

In the interest of open debate, the following people have made their feedback and proposals available on 26/07/2006:

Tom van Bodegraven

Margret Fleck

Maurice Belz

Michael Emerson (This is a Discussion Document)

Selection proposal Author unknown.

Go to PNZ survey summary. This is a PDF file. This file has now been removed by PNZ.

SELECTION PROCESS 2006 - Evaluation


Quiz Competitions

Caption 23/03/06. Winner of PNZ magazine subscription: Dean Norman.

Know your Piste 21/04/06. Winner of the bottle of wine: Debbie Greig.



How to stop pesky NZPW notification emails

How to Cut and Paste text.

Image tutorial. (this is a tutorial for our Top Shot page only)

Making it look pretty.

For general hints click here.

Newsletters (all clubs)

Old Masterton Newsletters (x13)

What's New

If you are looking for something specific within the "What's New" pages (or any other page), it may be better to do a search at the top-right of any page. Look for "search here"



What's New from 06/08/08 to 04/01/08. 60 items

What's New from 18/05/07 to 03/01/08. 48 items

What's New from 11/01/07 to 17/05/07. 22 items

What's New from 08/01/07 to 21/09/07. 36 items

What's New from 21/09/06 to 11/08/06. 22 items

What's New from 07/11/06 to 20/06/06. 34 items

What's New from 18/06/06 to 26/04/06. 33 items

What's New from 24/04/06 to 22/03/06. 31 items

What's New from 21/03/06 to 13/02/06. 33 items



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