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Orphaned pages
Orphaned pages are in this case, general pages with a link to them from only one or two isolated spots such as the What's New page. Providing the links here will make it easier to locate these "homeless" pages.
Bryan Wells receives 2010 inaugural Petanque Blog Sheriff award
Selection Process Feedback 2006
This is the first time PNZ has asked the wider membership for input. Previously, only members on the players selection list, or on a development squad received feedback forms.
In the interest of open debate, the following people have made their feedback and proposals available on 26/07/2006:
Tom van Bodegraven
Margret Fleck
Maurice Belz
Michael Emerson (This is a Discussion Document)
Selection proposal Author unknown.
Go to PNZ survey summary. This is a PDF file. This file has now been removed by PNZ.
SELECTION PROCESS 2006 - Evaluation
Quiz Competitions
Caption 23/03/06. Winner of PNZ magazine subscription: Dean Norman.
Know your Piste 21/04/06. Winner of the bottle of wine: Debbie Greig.
Newsletters (all clubs)
Old Masterton Newsletters (x13)
What's New
If you are looking for something specific within the "What's New" pages (or any other page), it may be better to do a search at the top-right of any page. Look for "search here"
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