You need a fast internet connection and a reasonably up-to-date computer to see these video clips. Just click on the right-pointing triangle (arrow). Have fun! -Tom.
James McOnie interviews the best petanque players in the world (Auckland).
WARNING: Watching too much of a good thing, can eat into your monthly bandwidth allocation (Broadband Cap).
Here is some pretty amazing shooting. There's quite a bit of petanque on YouTube now...well worth a look if you've got the time, and Broadband! Simon Hurley. Runtime 04.05 min.
Sibirien Club Petanque playin Boo in the swedish Cup. 12 out of 12 boules are played correctly. Runtime 3.04 min.
Petanque In Brooklyn NY - Bartabac 2005. Watch the trucks arrive in the early morning to put the terrains down! The entire Bastille Day tournament, from 8 am to 10 pm, recorded at about 6 frames per minute. 134 teams of 3 players, and thousands of intrigued onlookers, eating, drinking and having fun. This clip was suggested by Michael Emerson. Runtime 3.58 min.
Taken: 08 janvier 2007. Location: piolenc, France voici la compil des plus beaux moments de pétanque de ces dernieres grandes compétition. Here's a compilation of awesome "carreaux", These players use backspin and sidespin like pool champions. Some of you will recognise some of the players, including the current female world champion Angelique Papon. Runtime 05.20 min.
Unbelievable shot that curls in big-time. Just watch the landing spot and see the magic happen - the boule is still spinning as it stops. Runtime 1.1 min.
Well, you can't beat this for Petanque humor. Runtime 1.24 min.
PS. The reference to "32 degrees" translates to 0 Celsius in our language.
A highly inspirational clip. Pointing and shooting par excellence! Runtime 2.21 min.
Hi, I found a short video taken by the Swedish team during the presentation of the teams. Nicolas Jegousse.
The clip below is by Simon Hurley.
Do you like this video page? Do you want to see more clips? Have you got a suggestion for a clip? -Tom.
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