Suggestions or questions. Anything you like - just say it.
Clicking a link will scroll the page to the relevant section on this page.
When you are in "edit mode", give yourself more room by clicking on "Hide hints". Remember, less is more! -Tom.
How to Cut and Paste
This is a useful tutorial for people using a Blog or Wiki
External Links
It has become confusing for people to click on a link and not knowing if this link is an internal or external destination. From now on, external links will look like this: MPC Blog link with a small box and arrow. All other links (links without the symbol at the end) are links within our Wiki.
Promotional leaflet
If you have a clubroom and would like to put up a promotional leaflet about our Wiki, you can download a one page PDF here. Make sure you write our password on it before you put it up.
Some handy shortcuts
ALT+E = Edit
ALT+P = Preview
ALT+C = Cancel Edit
ALT+S = Save (ie. update)
(if you are one of those fortunate Mac users the "ALT" key is your "Control" key) -Tom.
Share this Wiki with others
If you are logged in, you can invite other Petanque players who may not know about this Wiki. Simply go to the bottom of any page and click on "Share this Wiki". Whilst you are reading this, you can also click on it here: Share this Wiki. I hope you will help and spread the word about our new Petanque Wiki. -Tom.
Change a link's appearance
You can make a link look different. For this example I will use a Cockle Bay link: Tournament Results9 If I simply write it like this: you will find the results [Tournament Results9|here] it would look like this: you will find the results here. In other words it is the original link Tournament Results9 with a "|" (vertical bar) and the word "here" Simply enclose all this with a straight bracket "[" on either side and you are done. -Tom
How to make fixed size dividing lines
If you like to make "fixed size" dividing lines place this code: <hr width="400"> directly after the full-stop of your last sentence (or at the place you want it to appear).
<hr width="300"> gives:
<hr width="400"> gives:
<hr width="480"> gives:
What is the difference between this Wiki thing and a Blog?
I have actively blogged since 2001 and was recently involved in a test of Wikis. I have started to appreciate the difference between the two formats. The blog is like an online newspaper, its serial and you may expect to be able to only scan the headlines each day. Of course you can use a blog like an archive, since all blog software has a search. I don’t do this on our MPC blog, because the readers of blogs in general don't seem to grasp the wealth of information a blog contains (they somehow do not see, or want to use the archive).
In contrast, a Wiki does not look serial. If organised reasonably it looks like a reference work. So it looks like an archive and users figure this out right away. It does suffer from a critical mass problem, if there is not enough there, users just wont think of it when they need it. To create a critical mass, you need lots of contributors. Now that our NZ Petanque Wiki is up and running, and with enough enthusiasts (volunteers) to provide content it will work and become a success. I am optimistic about the use of Wikis in the workplace and recreational settings, and look forward to working with them. -Tom.
Adding photos to our wiki
If you follow this link, you will be taken to a page describing this simple process clearly.
Make sure your image is around 450pixels wide (a max of 480px is only just OK), and has a max file size of 30KB.
I am looking for a simple programme that is able to crop an image, reduce the physical size and reduce the file size . If you have any experience with an application that can do this and it is free or does not cost much, let us know. Of course if you are one of those fortunate Mac owners, you would simply use iPoto which is part of the Mac package. Update 26/03/06 New feature: Uploaded file gets a new name if that filename already exists, e.g. Duplicate-1.jpg - Tom.
Making it look pretty
I have adjusted some coding within our Wiki style sheet. This has given us the nice boarder around all images. You can now also highlight a line of text or put an important paragraph within an orange coloured background - like this block of text.
You can also highlight part or a whole sentence within a block of text - like this part. If you look at the image below you can see that by simply enclosing a part of your text or a whole paragraph with the tags marked in red you will either get a highlight, or you draw attention to a paragraph set in a orange coloured background. If you do not like typing, simply click on "Edit page" (at the top of this page) and put the code on your clipboard - ready to paste. Now, is that good or what! -Tom.
Navigation code
Whenever you are adding text to your pages, make sure you leave your navigation intact. The image below shows your navigation (in light orange) as it looks in "edit view". Make sure you have this always at the very top of your pages. If you accidentally removed this, simply go to one of your other pages and put a copy of it on your clipboard and paste it into the page which has lost its navigation. -Tom.
Ever wanted to know What's a Wiki?
What's with these numbers at the end of links?
To get around the problem of not being allowed the same file names (page names), we have to allocate a number directly after the name of a page. If you look at the RotoruaClub site you will see that all links finish with "1". On the SilverstreamClub site, all links finish with "3". You get the picture.
Update 26/03/06 New feature: Uploaded file gets a new name if that filename already exists, e.g. Duplicate-1.jpg - Tom.
Will people mess things up? Don't worry. No one will get mad, and you can't mess anything up. Each change is saved, and it's simple to "roll back" to an earlier page. If people don't like your changes, they'll just change them back. No blood, no foul. -Tom.
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